Finance Fundamentals provides the basics for new United Way Finance professionals including membership requirements, risk management, completing the IRS Form 990, the audit process and special United Way financial policies and processes including pledge processing and accounting for designated gifts.

Join in with other new United Way colleagues for this four-module course and build a network you can use now and into the future! 

This program is not a basic finance course or applicable to non-United Way finance professionals. 

Course topics include:
Membership Requirement A - IRS Form 990 
Pledge processing 
Donor designations
Risk Management 
Internal controls 
Membership Requirement H - Audited Financial Statements 
And so much more! 

Register here before March 12, 2024!




This program is excellent for United Way Finance and Operations professionals of all levels, especially those new to the role or mission of United Way. 



Free of charge (January 1 - December 31, 2024)


This virtual program is four 4-hour modules of live classroom instruction. Plan for a robust and engaging experience that will provide you with knowledge and skills with a journey map (made by you) for your United Way career. Each module is from 1-5pm Eastern Time. 

United Way Finance Fundamentals
Module 1 - March 27, 1:00-5:00 PM ET
Module 2 - April 3, 1:00-5:00 PM ET
Module 3 - April 10, 1:00-5:00 PM ET
Module 4 - April 17, 1:00-5:00 PM ET

Register here before March 12, 2024!


The purpose of Finance 101 is to ensure all new United Way Finance professionals have the same understanding of basic financial concepts and unique United Way (financial) needs and processes.  It provides at minimum a line-of-sight into things every United Way financial professional needs to know.





I needed this. It's a great overview and practice on the basics of United Way Finance. A good refresher but also correct answers on how to do this work.

We have a lot of requirements to ensure the integrity of our financial systems. This course gave great, practical advice on how to do just that.



There's a lot of great content and practice included. I walked away with lots of new information and confidence in how to ensure good financial operations. 




The instructors were fantastic!