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Defined by decreased charitable giving and increased community need, the current philanthropic climate poses significant challenges for nonprofits responding to COVID-19, systemic racial inequities, natural disasters and other global crises. To continue supporting our communities through and beyond these pressing emergencies, United Ways must readily adapt to sudden and often unpredictable changes in our socioeconomic landscape. Respond, Recover, Reimagine, Rebuild: Operational Excellence in a New Normal provides network professionals involved or invested in the operational success of their United Way the tools to modernize operations, reduce costs, and increase organizational resilience. Showcasing United Way Worldwide’s suite of shared services, sessions will illuminate how these network-wide resources can generate savings to reinvest back into organizational growth and trace a path for adoption. Attendees will come away from this virtual event empowered to implement our Modern United Way blueprint, and in turn, address our communities’ most urgent needs as one network.
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With 4 plenary sessions and more than 30 signature and breakout sessions, we are compiling a diverse roster of experts from United Ways, corporate leaders and more to share their insights with you.
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FTTF Provides an Unmatched Opportunity for Your Brand
United Way offers a variety of sponsorship packages and promotional opportunities that can be customized to meet your overall marketing and corporate social responsibility objectives. Take advantage of this opportunity to showcase your company’s commitment to bringing people and organizations together to build innovative solutions that impact millions of lives every year.
Here are some numbers for you: 500 people, including United Way staff, volunteers, strategic partners, donors and more. Global representation across 28 countries and territories, 30+ sponsors/exhibitors and 100+ educational sessions - all in one place. It doesn’t get any bigger or better or smarter than this.
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Join us for this new virtual experience to connect with colleagues and discover strategies designed for a new normal.
REGISTER NOWrow-mid col-md-6 colour-section center |
We're here to help! Contact us anytime with questions about the Respond, Recover, Reimagine, Rebuild: Operational Excellence in a New Normal.
CONTACT USrow-end col-xs-12 colour-section center |
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The below fees are the prices for the Respond, Recover, Reimagine, Rebuild: Donor Engagement in a New Normal and the Virtual Equity Summit.
If you're unable to attend the event live, on-demand access will be available for $150 and can be selected during registration. This content will be available for at least 3 weeks after the live event, so you can take part in the event in your own time! Please note that some engagement opportunities with speakers and fellow attendees will not be available on-demand
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Equity Summit ONLY
$125 USD
Select this option if you plan to only attend the Equity Summit.
Donor Engagement in a New Normal ONLY
$245 USD
Select this option if you plan to only attend the Donor Engagement in a New Normal.
Equity Summit AND Donor Engagement in a New Normal
$325 USD
Select this option if you plan to attend both the Equity Summit AND Donor Engagement in a New Normal.