For 2023, United Way Worldwide (UWW) will approve Flexible Credits requests only for UWW-sponsored or approved events, conferences, and learning-and-development programs. UWW will not approve Flexible Credits for other activities, except for pre-approved State-Association-hosted conferences (ie. the Great Rivers Conference), for any events that commence on or after March 1, 2023. You can see a list of events which have been approved for flexible credit use by clicking the buttons below. If you are an organizer of one of these pre-approved events, please submit a request form within 60 days before the event begins.

To view the Flexible Credit FAQ for 2023 Flexible Credit Guidance, click here.

For all flex-credit-approved events, participants are asked to adhere to any COVID-19 guidance provided by the World Health Organization, Centers for Disease Control and local health authorities; adhere to government-issued travel restrictions and guidance issued by the regions you will be travelling to and from; evaluate your own health and that of people you are in close contact with; and, stay home if you feel sick. The attendee freely assumes all such risks related to illness and infectious diseases, such as COVID-19 and releases, waives and discharges UWW of any and all liability, claims and demands. 

For more information about flexible credits, check out the flexible credit policy or your flexible credit account report (United Way Online access required). If you have questions about flexible credits, please contact Ask United Way.